How to Make a Complaint

Wondering what you can do if you have a complaint about your treatment or practitioner?
If, for any reason, you are not satisfied with the treatment you have received, we would like to hear about it. It is very helpful to address your complaints with us directly as it gives us an opportunity to find a resolution together. There may be a case of a simple misunderstanding that can be resolved with a conversation.

In the event that we cannot reach a resolution or an agreement together, you can ask the complaints officer of the National Association of Psychologists (LVVP) to mediate. Have neither of these steps resolved your complaint? Or are you not expected to discuss the complaint with your practitioner and/or complaints officer due to your situation? Then you can contact the Disputed Committee for the Independent Mental Health Practices (in Dutch: de Geschillencommissie vrijgevestigde ggz-praktijken) in The Hague.

More information can be found on LVVP’s website: Complaints procedure for adults – LVVP

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